New 'Digger' fan

I was thrilled to receive a photo of a new young fan for 'The Digger that Did' from my daughter Deryn in England. Her colleague Tiff showed Deryn a delightful photo of her small son, carefully opening his new book. Tiff's son has always been a major enthusiast of digging machines. on construction sites, at roadworks, just anywhere at all. He's a little young for some of the ideas in 'The Digger that Did', but that didn’t stop him from wanting a copy, or from enjoying the story. In fact, says his mother, they have read and re-read it so many times that while he's still firmly hooked by pictures and text, she would like a break.
I remember, from my library days, being begged by one young mum to tell her son that, sadly, he couldn’t take out his favourite book yet again, because there was someone else waiting for it! There wasn’t of course, but she had reached the stage when one more re-read would have pushed her to breaking point. Well done, all those parents who are patient enough to read again and again to pre-schoolers. You have no idea what a marvellous start you’re giving your children.
It's easy to see that he knows how to look after books and to handle pages with care. He’s sitting with the book beautifully supported on his legs and is opening the first page very gently. Children who grow up with books as friends are very fortunate. Right on, small fan!

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