Guest Author visit to St Mary's School

I was delighted to be invited to share ‘The Digger that Did’ with the Grade 3 classes at St Mary’s School for Girls, Waverley. Lauren Spencer organised the event on March 22, 2023 and it was a real thrill to be back at the school where my two daughters spent their high school years. There were fifty-seven Grade 3s clustered on the carpet in the modern hall, with excellent technical facilities. They watched the short background presentation with interest. A few remembered the real live Suez incident. It was great to be close up to them on the same level, no podium and plenty of space to move around.

The girls were fascinated by the story and joined in some of the actions. The questions they asked were very thoughtful. They were interested in everything, from the actual history of the Suez Canal to what the captain of the stranded ship was feeling. I was impressed with their general knowledge, especially of types of ship, since we all live on a high plateau inland of South African. Most knew what a tugboat does, and two had heard of dredgers!

 Having run out of promotional bookmarks, I had made my own, with the book cover and webpage link in colour. A guest author visit is the start of a writing project for St Mary’s Grade 3s. I hope the girls enjoy their creative writing as much as I enjoyed my creative reading! Thank you, St Mary’s and Lauren Spencer.

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